Profile Risk

Profile Risk indicates the level of risk that a third party represents to your organization, based on values entered in the third party profile.

The Profile Risk is an optional feature that may or may not be currently enabled. A profile risk is calculated using a custom scoring and weighting algorithm based on values in select Additional Information fields. (These fields are available when adding a third party and in the Edit Third Party Information page.) If the Profile Risk meter is not active (is displayed in gray tones), then either the feature is not currently enabled or not all of the applicable Additional Information fields contain values.

Note: If your organization's Profile Risk algorithm includes the CPI score and one is not available for a third party's country, a "No Score" value will be assigned. The default value for "No Score" is a two (2) for the CPI Translated score. If your organization wishes to have a different default score, contact NAVEX Customer Support by submitting a request in the Community.

Below the Profile Risk Score is a down arrow to expand for further information. Click to view details of how the score was calculated.

The screen expands to display the names of the third party attributes included in the algorithm, as well as the attribute values for this third party and the weightings of each attribute within the algorithm.

Note: If the algorithm has been modified since the Profile Risk score was last calculated, it is possible that the current Profile Risk score for the third party will not match this information.