Configure Connections

To create relationships among third parties and additional entities, connection types must be created first. See Connect Third Parties & Additional Entities for more information connecting third parties and additional entities.

From the Admin menu, click Connection Types. The CONFIGURE CONNECTION TYPES page displays.

Add a Connection Type

  1. Click to create a new connection type. A CONFIGURE CONNECTION DETAILS section displays on the screen.

  2. Enter a Connection Name and Description.

  3. Select the Is Active check box to make it an active connection. You can activate it later after it's been saved (see section below).
  4. Click Save.

    The connection type is saved and appears in the Configure Connection Types list.


Activate or Deactivate a Connection Type

The Active status of a connection type can be changed at any time.

To activate a connection type:

  1. Click the connection type from the Configure Connection Types list. The CONFIGURE CONNECTION DETAILS display.

  2. Either select or deselect the Is Active check box, depending on whether you are wanting to make it Active or Inactive.

  3. Click Save.

Delete a Connection Type

A connection type can be deleted, but all related linked mappings must be removed first.

To delete a connection type:

  1. From the Configure Connection Types list, click the remove icon () next to the connection type to be deleted.

  2. From the confirmation message that displays, click Continue.

    The connection type is removed from the list.