Change Approval Status in the Third Party List

Important: This feature is available to all Level 1 users and only those Level 2 users who have been designated as approvers.

In addition to being able to change approval status while creating or editing a third party (see Add a Third Party or Edit a Third Party's Details), you can change a third party's approval status directly in a third party list.

  1. With the Third Parties list displayed, see if the Approval Status column is currently displayed. If not, click , click Show/Hide Columns, select Approval Status, and then click Close.

    Note: The added column appears to the far right of the grid. If desired, you can move it to another column position (see Customize a List Display).

  2. In the Approval Status column of the third party whose status you want to change, click .

    Note: If the approval status is set to Denied or Terminated, monitoring for the third party and its additional entities will be discontinued.

  3. Select a new status, and then click Change.