Use the Notes Tab in the Third Party Details Page

  1. From the sidebar menu, click Third Parties.

    Note: You can click in the RiskRate header to hide the sidebar menu and then again to display it (i.e., use as a hide/show menu toggle).

  2. Find and click a third party's name, and then click the Notes tab.

  3. Do any of the following:

Add a Note

  1. In the Notes tab, click .

  2. Type a Subject.
  3. Type Note text of up to 4,000 characters.
  4. (Optional) If this note is of high importance, select the Mark as Priority.
  5. Click Add Note.

    Note: Once added, a note cannot be modified, but can be archived.

Archive a Note

Notes can be archived once entered (e.g., in case you accidentally added one to the wrong third party profile).

  1. In the Notes tab, in the Archive column, click the archive icon () next to the note you wish to archive.
  2. (Optional) The note becomes hidden from view, but can be made visible by using the Show/Hide icon ( ) located on the top-right of the grid.